Hindu Humanitarianism in Sierra Leone: SOK Limited’s Inception
September 21, 2021

On September 21, 2021, the United States of KAILASA took a significant step by establishing SOK Limited, a non-profit entity in Sierra Leone.

This remarkable initiative lays the foundation for delivering essential humanitarian services to those in need, signifying a pivotal move towards creating a positive impact in Sierra Leone.

SOK Limited is a not-for-profit organization registered in Sierra Leone in 2021. Its primary mission is to provide Hindu Humanitarian charitable services in Sierra Leone.

These services encompass a wide range of activities, including Hindu religious charitable services, Hindu holistic healthcare programs, Hindu youth, and women empowerment programs, drug de-addiction programs, poverty alleviation initiatives, and many other humanitarian services guided by the principles of Hinduism, as envisioned and directed by the ecclesiastical head of SOK, THE SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM (SPH), BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM.”

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