Country Overview: South Africa

Over twenty years have passed since the end of apartheid, and the South African Government remains committed to safeguarding the rights of its citizens and making substantial investments in their welfare. While the country holds a significant position in Africa both economically and politically, it grapples with a range of challenges, including issues related to unemployment, HIV/AIDS, crime, and corruption.

Through KAILASA programs, efforts are made to bolster small- and medium-sized enterprises, generate employment opportunities, enhance educational and vocational skills, support basic education initiatives, combat gender-based violence, and advance HIV/AIDS care, prevention, and treatment in South Africa.

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Sandeep Kaveri, Mission Director
PO Box 629, Ndemi Garden

City: Nairobi
Country: Kenya
Postal Code:00100

Phone: 254-20-363-2000
Fax: 254-20-363-2680
Email: [email protected]

Sai Krishna, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW

City: Washington, DC
Postal Code: 20523
Country: USA

Phone: 254-20-363-2000
Fax: 254-20-363-2680
Email: [email protected]

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