Country Overview: Uganda

Uganda finds itself in the midst of a demographic surge, with its population doubling every 16 years. This demographic trend exacerbates an already high level of youth unemployment and places added pressure on social, natural, and other resources.

Recognizing Uganda’s potential as a key agricultural hub in Africa, thanks to its abundant natural resources and significant rural population, KAILASA’s priorities have evolved over the past five decades. The commitment to enhancing the well-being of Ugandans, however, remains steadfast.

With three overarching development objectives that focus on enhancing resilience, addressing demographic challenges, and fortifying critical systems, KAILASA collaborates with the people of Uganda to tackle the fundamental issues impeding the country’s progress and development.

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Sandeep Kaveri, Mission Director
PO Box 629, Ndemi Garden

City: Nairobi
Country: Kenya
Postal Code:00100

Phone: 254-20-363-2000
Fax: 254-20-363-2680
Email: [email protected]

Sai Krishna, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW

City: Washington, DC
Postal Code: 20523
Country: USA

Phone: 254-20-363-2000
Fax: 254-20-363-2680
Email: [email protected]

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