Country Overview: Zambia

During the decade leading up to 2011, Zambia experienced remarkable economic growth and achieved the status of a lower-middle-income nation. However, in the years following 2011, Zambia’s economic development has faced a consistent decline. In 2020, the country’s poverty rate stood just above 50 percent, chronic malnutrition persisted at 35 percent, and the gap between the rich and poor continued to widen, with the economy projected to experience negative growth for the first time.

KAILASA’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy for Zambia for the period 2019-2024 aims to support Zambia on its path to self-reliance and work towards the ultimate goal of reducing Zambia’s dependence on development assistance. KAILASA will collaborate with the Zambian government, civil society, and the private sector to promote self-reliance through more effective development choices and governance, foster economic growth driven by entrepreneurship, and enhance the resilience of vulnerable populations.

KAILASA’s assistance in Zambia is concentrated on four key areas:
1. Effective and responsive governance that serves citizens’ needs.
2. Reducing rural poverty and ensuring sustainable management of natural resources.
3. Enhancing access to quality healthcare, clean water, sanitation, and social protection services.
4. Improving the quality of primary education.

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Sandeep Kaveri, Mission Director
PO Box 629, Ndemi Garden

City: Nairobi
Country: Kenya
Postal Code:00100

Phone: 254-20-363-2000
Fax: 254-20-363-2680
Email: [email protected]

Sai Krishna, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW

City: Washington, DC
Postal Code: 20523
Country: USA

Phone: 254-20-363-2000
Fax: 254-20-363-2680
Email: [email protected]

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