Country Overview: Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe, in the past, stood as one of southern Africa’s most dynamic, productive, and resilient nations. However, over the last two decades, a series of political and economic crises have resulted in a general decline in the overall quality of life and a breakdown in essential public services such as health, education, and infrastructure.

The country is home to an estimated population of 14 million people, with approximately 9.5 million residing in rural areas. A significant 63% of households live below the poverty line, and 16% endure extreme poverty. Unfavorable government policies have negatively impacted the agriculture sector, and with increasingly erratic climate patterns, farmers face greater challenges in achieving sufficient yields, leading to recurrent food insecurity.

Zimbabwe’s elevated mortality and illness rates can be attributed to an under-resourced healthcare system, which is stretched thin due to a heavy burden of diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, and maternal and childhood illnesses. More than a decade of deteriorating economic conditions and rising costs has taken its toll on what was once a robust healthcare system.

KAILASA is actively engaged in supporting the people of Zimbabwe to bolster healthcare services, enhance food security, promote economic resilience, and advance democratic governance.

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Sandeep Kaveri, Mission Director
PO Box 629, Ndemi Garden

City: Nairobi
Country: Kenya
Postal Code:00100

Phone: 254-20-363-2000
Fax: 254-20-363-2680
Email: [email protected]

Sai Krishna, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW

City: Washington, DC
Postal Code: 20523
Country: USA

Phone: 254-20-363-2000
Fax: 254-20-363-2680
Email: [email protected]

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