KAILASA Mauritius Hosts THE SPH’s Conquering Time Workshop
March 5, 2016

On March 05th, 2016, KAILASA Mauritius held THE SPH’s Conquering Time workshop, during which THE SPH revealed profound understandings of the science of overcoming the bondage of Time to live stress-free lives, free from boredom and other ill effects of Time on our system.

THE SPH revealed that boredom is one of the major crises faced by humanity worldwide. Boredom is one of the worst life-negative tendencies that affect an increasing number of individuals every year. Humanity, new generations in particular, have already tasted and experienced everything there is to experience in the outer world, finding no excitement to live anymore. This global boredom crisis is leading humanity towards a grand collapse, much more alarming than terrorism or economic meltdowns.

The science of Conquering Time revealed by THE SPH allows individuals to find excitement, joy, a desire to celebrate, and look forward to life! It allows individuals to live while being pulled by the future from inspiration instead of being pushed by the past into a default existence.

THE SPH has revealed that the past always reproduces itself in the future. Humans widely suffer from the feeling that nothing is changing in their lives, feeling stuck inside and outside, restless in their inner space. Time is no more than a mental experience, a perception. Our clock does not create Time. The movement of the hand does not make Time. ‘t’ only has a mathematical value, no primary physical existence.

What does that mean? Our experience of Time is the oscillation between moments of powerfulness and powerlessness. Time is slow when we wait, Time is fast when we are late, Time is Deadly when we are sad, Time is short when we are happy, Time is endless when we are in pain, and Time is long when we feel bored.

Living unconsciously, focused on outer goals, and neglecting our being and inner consciousness entrap us in a web of unconscious thoughts and toxicity. This toxic mind is the source of all stress and boredom in our lives and prevents us from living in reality and experiencing the present moment. Through the process of Completion, gaining awareness of the past, and decreasing its load on our present, we retrieve the ability to live in the future with excitement and inspiration.

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