Uplifting Liberia’s Youth: United States of KAILASA and Federation Of Liberian Youth (FLY) Forge Transformative Partnership
August 21, 2023

It brings us immense satisfaction to announce a momentous milestone in international relations as the United States of KAILASA and the dynamic Federation Of Liberian Youth (FLY) come together in a groundbreaking partnership to uplift and empower the youth of the Republic of Liberia.

Following meticulous and exhaustive deliberations, representatives from both parties, including FLY’s Vice President for Foreign Affairs and the esteemed Secretary General, on June 5th, 2023 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that paves the way for a transformative era of progress and prosperity.

This collaboration marks an unequivocal commitment from USK and FLY to work hand in hand, dedicating their efforts seeking to drive positive change and development for the youth of Liberia. Central to this is the shared belief that this partnership will ignite a renewed sense of hope among the youth of Liberia. FLY, driven by its vision, aims to steer the youth away from the destructive grasp of drugs and crime. Together, the USK and FLY are poised to usher in an era of conscious and healthy living, fostering a society free from the shackles of addiction, depression, and despair.

KAILASA is proud to contribute to the betterment of youth in Liberia through a range of impactful initiatives that have been successfully enriching the global community for the last 29 years. These include de-addiction and empowerment programs that are designed to break the cycle of self-destructive behavior. Active youth engagement, women’s empowerment, and welfare initiatives will be at the forefront of this partnership, guiding the youth toward a brighter, more promising future.


Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY)

The Federation of Liberian Youth is the umbrella organization of youth and students in Liberia. It is charged with the responsibility of organizing and coordinating the activities of the youth population of Liberia.

FLY is a broad-based, democratic, pluralistic, nongovernmental, and nonpartisan youth organization established to advocate for and enhance the development of youth and students in Liberia.

The United States of KAILASA

KAILĀSA is the revival of the ancient enlightened Hindu civilizational nation. It is the first and only Sovereign State for all the two billion born and practicing Hindu diaspora worldwide, led by THE SPH BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM. KAILĀSA stands for all the great values enshrined in the constitution of KAILĀSA, the Vedas, and the Āgamas

Its diplomatic mission is to Uniting all Nations through its 108 humanitarian, charitable, sustainable goals, based on ahimsa (non-violence), peace, and universal human values.

KAILĀSA creates strong diplomatic networks with national governments and international organizations to develop and administer humanitarian projects aligned with the world’s needs.

KAILASA over the course of nearly thirty years has been tirelessly working to empower youth, and women and educate children globally. Its humanitarian efforts include among others, free programs, counseling, meditation, and yoga to resolve teenage issues, and making youth choose conscious living versus self-destructive suicidal ways. The 29 years of KAILASA’s initiatives resulted in:

Free Education with 500 Schools

1,000 active youth centers globally

400 youth projects in all youth centers

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